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CFOR303/PSYC303 Marriage and Family Fall Semester 2016, Distance Education Instructor: Hiob Ngirachimoi, Lead Instructor: Howa...

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 12: Parenting: How Do I Turn This Selfish, Antisocial Little Creature Into A Worthwhile Member of Society?

Our task this week is to construct the portion of our "Theology of the Family" that has to do with parenting, raising children.

  1. You will need to review the material that we covered in lecture #9.
    Here is the Lord of the Flies summary that we used in that session:
  2. Here are three articles that deal with the development of children.

    Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development:

    ERIKSON’S STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT: An eight stage theory of identity and psychosocial development:

    A chart of observations about early childhood development:
  3. You need to include reference in your section on raising children, to any problems unique          to your culture.
    Here is one article that speaks about some of the Micronesian traditions in regard to family life. http://www.micsem.org/pubs/counselor/frames/cngmicfr.htm?        http&&&www.micsem.org/pubs/counselor/cngmic.htm
  4. Using the scriptural input you received in lecture #9, and observational truth about children, give your view of how children should be raised in a Christian home.
    This needs to be in your own words.
  5. Include this in the second draft of "Theology of the Family," which is due at the end of this week.

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